  • 入驻年限:13
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: 塑胶原料、pa66、pom


免费会员第 13
主营产品: 塑胶原料、pa66、pom
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS

所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 025KG/包


免费会员 第13年




公司官网: http://longyue888.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 东莞市

主营产品: 塑胶原料、pa66、pom

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大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS 注塑NG处理:

注塑NG处理:大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS

一.  凹陷,缩孔,气孔

1.        发生缘由:原料吸湿性太大,枯燥欠好,成品壁厚不均,模腔压力缺乏或没有把存于腔内的空气扫除而构成阻隔使熔体不克不及与模具外表悉数按触,或因物料冷却速度降低其使成品外表呈现严峻凹陷,而缩孔地位多发作在筋外表和远离浇口地位.

2.        避免方法:在成品设计方面要避免因为筋形成壁厚不均,在选择资料方面拔取缩短率小的资料,模具方面在壁厚当地开设支流道,工艺方面要降低模温,熔体温度.添加打针压力、保压工夫和打针量,对轻易发作缩孔的当地增强冷却,添加浇口截面尺寸.

二.   无光泽,冷白,搓伤及皱纹

1.      发生缘由:这类缺陷的发生大都是由于模具温渡过低,聚合物熔体温渡过高,冷却过快所致.当熔体还在充模时,在型腔壁上就构成了很硬的壳.壳层遭到各类力的效果使之泛白变浑,严峻者壳层能够被撕破和皱纹.发生此类景象的另一个缘由是熔体在模内发作了不规矩的脉动活动,如在浇口尺寸很小,打针速度又很大时,聚合物熔体细流射入模腔,细射流经由一段工夫外表己冷却再与后续熔体熔应时,就会呈现此类缺陷.

2.      避免方法:进步模具温度,加大流道,浇口.

三.  银丝与剥层

1.  发生缘由:在充溢时,波前峰析出挥发性气体,这些气体往往是物料受热分化出来的,气体散布在成品外表,就留下银纹,当物料含湿量过大时,加热会发生水蒸气,塑化时因为螺杆任务晦气,物料所挟带的空气不克不及排出也会发生银纹,在某些状况下,大气泡被拉长成扁气泡掩盖在成品外表上,使成品外表剥层.有时从料筒至喷嘴的温度梯度太大使剪切过大也会发生银丝.

2.  避免方法:选择好枯燥设备和枯燥工艺,将含湿量降到最低值.工艺方面降低熔体温度,进步模温,不变喷嘴温度,加大背压,模具方面加开排气槽.

四.  烧焦,暗纹及暗斑

1.      发生缘由:暗纹或暗斑呈现多是因物料过热分化而惹起,有的是由于塑化不平均,从外观上看呈暗斑痕,有的是由于异物所致,冲模时模内空气紧缩,温度升高发生烧焦,多发作在熔合缝处.

2.      避免方法:物料枯燥充沛,降低熔体温度,进步背压,模具方面改善排气.

五.  翘曲,变形

1.      发生缘由:聚合物的组织响应力,机械应力,热胀冷缩应力(温度应力)剩余在成品内部所致,普通结晶型比非结晶型大.

大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS 注塑NG处理英文版:

注塑NG处理英文版: 大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS

Depression, shrinkage, stomatal
Occur reason: raw material moisture absorption is too big, boring bad, finished uneven wall thickness, the lack of cavity pressure or not stored in the cavity air to remove the barrier consisting of the melt can not mold appearance in full according to the touch , or because the material cooling rate to reduce its finished appearance showing severe depression, and shrinkage status attack in the tendon appearance and away from the gate position.
Avoid methods: in the finished design to avoid gluten formation of uneven wall thickness, in the choice of data extractor shortening rate information, the molds opened in the wall thickness of the local tributaries Road, the technological aspects of the lower mold temperature, melt temperature add an injection pressure, packing work and the injection amount, easily attack the shrinkage of the local enhanced cooling, add the gate section size.
Two. Dull, cold white, rub the hurt wrinkles
Occur reason: the occurrence of such defects are due to mold temperature is too low, the polymer melt temperature through cooling too quickly due to when the melt is still filling in the cavity wall constitutes hard shell. shell has been washed out of the effect of various types of force to become muddy, grim by the shell can be torn and wrinkles. Another reason for such a scene occurs melt in the mold attack does not rule the pulse of activities, such as when the gate size is very small, and the injection speed, the polymer melt, trickle injected into the cavity, thin jet through the period of work appearance has cooling and subsequent melt melting seasonal and will be presented such defects.
Avoid methods: progress mold temperature, increase the flow channel, the gate.
Silver and delamination
Occur reason: overflowing when the wave front, the peak precipitation of volatile gases, these gases are often the material is heated polarized gas scattered in the appearance of the finished product, on the left crazing, when the material moisture content is excessive heating water vapor, plasticization when task unlucky because the screw, air mix the material can not discharge can also occur crazing, in some cases, large bubbles are stretched into a flat bubble to cover up in the finished appearance, so that The finished appearance of delamination. sometimes temperature gradient from the barrel to the nozzle is too large to shear large will occur silver.
Avoid methods: Select the boring equipment and boring process, the moisture content to a minimum value. Process to reduce the melt temperature, progressive mold temperature, constant nozzle temperature, increase back pressure, molds additional exhaust ducts .
Four. Charred, Obscure and dark spots
Occur reason: Obscure or dark spots showing more than the material overheating differentiation breeds, some the plasticizing uneven, from the appearance point of view was dark scar, some foreign body due to air in the mold, die tightening, the temperature rose high-charred, and attack in the fusion joints.
Avoid methods: materials boring abundant, lower melt temperature, the progress of back pressure, molds to improve the exhaust.
V. warping, deformation
One reason: the organization of the polymer response force, mechanical stress, thermal expansion and contraction stress (thermal stress) remaining inside the finished product caused by ordinary crystalline amorphous.

大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS 相关型号:

大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS 相关型号:以下型号均由东莞市常平龙跃塑胶贸易行提供如需了解更多型号和资料,请来电咨询。

大赛璐CEVIAN N 020/020SF AS 特性:一般性能

大赛璐CEVIAN N 050/050SF AS 特性:一般性能

大赛璐CEVIAN N 070/070SF AS 特性:一般性能

大赛璐CEVIAN N 080/080SF AS 特性:一般性能

大赛璐CEVIAN N GRSJ1 AS 特点:GF强化10%

大赛璐CEVIAN N GRSJ AS 特点:GF强化20%

大赛璐CEVIAN N GRSJ3 AS 特点:GF强化30%

大赛璐CEVIAN N GRS AS 特点:GF强化20%

大赛璐CEVIAN N NF012A AS 特点:透明,V2等级阻燃

大赛璐CEVIAN N SR20 AS GF增强20%

大赛璐CEVIAN V 300/300SF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 320/320SF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 500/500SF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 510/510SF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 520/520SF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 660/660SF ABS 

大赛璐CEVIAN V 680/680SF ABS 

大赛璐CEVIAN V 400N/400NF ABS

大赛璐CEVIAN V 400T/400TF ABS 

大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS PP产品简介:

PP产品简介:大赛璐\CEVIAN N 080/080SF 标准性能AS

















Transaction instructions and other precautions:

1, I sold the original package of products are original, 17% VAT invoice, UL yellow card, the COA COC, SGS, MSDS, physical properties table, processing parameters.
 2, I support cash on delivery, free shipping over one ton(Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou region), other parts of the actual shipping charge.
 3, the goods upon arrival, please check the package in a timely manner for damage, leakage of raw materials, moisture and other phenomena, if logistics staff to take pictures and save acertificate.
 4, if the goods failed to arrive on time, please contact us.



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