用途 医疗护理用品 LEDS 汽车领域 汽车领域的应用 通用
特性 热稳定性良好 耐低温冲击 低吸湿性 耐热性高 抗撞击性高 阻燃性 通用
厂家 美国乐帝乐 Celanese Corporation 美国舒尔曼 Generic 泰科纳 LOTTE ADVANCED MATERIALS CO., LTD. 美国塞拉尼斯 韩国乐天化学 A. Schulman Europe

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  PCT  的物性记录约 20+条,本页只展示最多20条记录

PCT|Generic PCT - Glass Fiber|Generic

备注说明: This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic PCT - Glass FiberThis information is provided for comparative purposes only.

PCT|TE4004|Celanese Corporation

用途: 汽车领域的应用
备注说明: Thermx® TE4004 NC010 is a 40% glass fiber/glass flake reinforced polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate resin developed for automotive ignition systems applications. PRELIMINARY DATA

PCT|CG943|Celanese Corporation

特性: 阻燃性
备注说明: Thermx® CG943 is a 40% glass fiber reinforced and flame retardant polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|CG023|Celanese Corporation

用途: 通用
特性: 通用
备注说明: Thermx® CG023 is a 20% glass fiber reinforced polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|CGT33|Celanese Corporation

备注说明: Thermx® CGT33 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced and toughened polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|CG933|Celanese Corporation

特性: 阻燃性
备注说明: Thermx® CG933 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced and flame retardant polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|CG033|Celanese Corporation

备注说明: Thermx® CG033 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|TE4005|Celanese Corporation

备注说明: Thermx® TE4005 NC010 is a 33% glass fiber/mineral reinforced polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate resin developed for injection molding applications. It is specifically suitable for high performance demanding ignition applications. PRELIMINARY DATA

PCT|TE3002|Celanese Corporation

特性: 阻燃性
备注说明: Thermx® TE3002 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, flame retardant, black high performance polyester resin for injection molding.

PCT|CG923|Celanese Corporation

特性: 阻燃性
备注说明: Thermx® CG923 is a 20% glass fiber reinforced and flame retardant polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate for injection molding.

PCT|LED 0201|Celanese Corporation

用途: LEDs
特性: 热稳定性良好 低吸湿性 耐热性高
备注说明: Thermx LED 0201 is a super white reinforced PCT resin highly suitable for LED applications. The material exhibits high heat resistance, high reflectance stability, high thermal stability, low moisture absorption, and high mechanical properties for injection molding.

PCT|HT GF 30|A. Schulman Europe

备注说明: 30% glass fibre reinforced PCT compound for high temperature applications


用途: 汽车领域
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维玻璃鳞片, 40% 填料按重量。


备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 30% 填料按重量。


用途: 医疗护理用品


用途: 通用
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 30% 填料按重量。


用途: 通用
特性: 通用
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 20% 填料按重量。


特性: 耐低温冲击 抗撞击性高
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 30% 填料按重量。