用途 电气元件 工业应用 片材 开关 塑料改性 电线电缆应用 线轴 吹塑成型应用 通用
特性 抗氧化性 非充油 共聚物 良好的电气性能 耐热性高 宽分子量分布 良好的流动性 阻燃性 硬度高 通用
厂家 DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers 三井化学 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. SumiDurez Singapore Pte Ltd 美国Sylvin 雪佛龙菲利普斯 Sylvin Technologies Incorporated

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  9720  的物性记录约 8

EMAA|9720|DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers

用途: 片材 电线电缆应用 吹塑成型应用
特性: 抗氧化性 共聚物
备注说明: DuPont™ Surlyn® 9720 is an ionomer of ethylene acid copolymer.This polymeric material can be processed in conventional extrusion and injection equipment designed to process polyethylene and ethylene copolymer type resins, to create various shapes and sheeting.

EPDM|K-9720|Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

用途: 电线电缆应用 塑料改性
特性: 非充油 宽分子量分布 硬度高
备注说明: Mitsui EPTTM (Ethylene-Propylene-Terpolymer) is an EPT(EPDM) brand that is produced by Mitsui Chemicals through its state of the art olefinic polymerization technology. With Mitsui Chemicals' advanced technology, we constantly develop new grades which allow us meet customer demand.Mitsui EPTTM is a ...more.

PVC|9720-83 Blue 8396|美国Sylvin

备注说明: 良好的流动性,良好的稳定性

EPDM|EPT K-9720|三井化学

备注说明: 窄分子量分布


备注说明: 良好的流动,适度的冲击强度,优良的刚度

酚醛|SumiDurez PM 9720|SumiDurez Singapore Pte Ltd

用途: 电气元件 开关 线轴
特性: 良好的电气性能 耐热性高 阻燃性
备注说明: PM 9720 Phenolic is a single stage special purpose molding compound. It is especially designed for applications requiring good electric insulation property and heat/flame resistance. Typical applications include coil bobbins and switches.JIS Type EG-R

PVC|Sylvin 9720-83 Blue 8396|美国Sylvin

用途: 工业应用 通用
特性: 良好的流动性 通用

PVC,未指定|Sylvin 9720-83 Blue 8396|Sylvin Technologies Incorporated

用途: 工业应用 通用
特性: 良好的流动性 通用
备注说明: Sylvin 9720-83 Blue 8396 Is A Vinyl Compound Formulated For Molding Applications To Improve Flow And Stability.