特性 良好的强度 粘度高 尺寸稳定性良好 良好的成型性能

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  HVG  的物性记录约 1

AEM|HVG|DuPont Performance Elastomers

特性: 良好的强度 粘度高 尺寸稳定性良好 良好的成型性能
备注说明: DuPont™ Vamac® HVG is an unfilled gum ethylene/acrylic elastomer similar to Vamac® G, but offering higher compound viscosity. The higher viscosity of compounds made with Vamac® HVG results in improved green strength and related processing advantages, such as: Compounds of Vamac® HVG are often selec...more.